We are delighted to announce that HealthScape Advisors has joined Chartis, one of the nation's leading healthcare advisory firms.  Read the press release.

Executive Briefing | October 30, 2018

Wait… MACRA Impacts Med Supp?


A tectonic shift is underway in the Medicare Supplemental (Med Supp) market and it’s coming from a source rarely discussed—the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA). Beginning in 2020, insurers will no longer be able to sell the most…

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Executive Briefing | February 15, 2018

What Does EGWP Stand For? Untapped Potential!


Employer Group Waiver Plans (EGWP) are often an untapped market within a comprehensive Medicare Advantage (MA) and Senior Market strategy for many regional health plans. Group retiree markets are changing due to pressure on retiree benefits. Refreshing your group retiree…

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Executive Briefing | December 6, 2016

Does MACRA Still Matter?


By now you are undoubtedly familiar with the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA). The resulting Quality Payment Program (QPP) and its two participation pathways – Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APMs) and Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)…

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